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Writer: Underground Gold Miners MuseumUnderground Gold Miners Museum

– Hospitality in Sierran Town is Most Lavish. The festivities pass off in a manner reflecting much credit upon those having charge of the affair.

Alleghany that progressive, animated and hospitable town of southern Sierra County, added another laurel to its wreath of hospitality on Admission Day. While Alleghany has entertained lavishly in the past, Monday’s affair eclipsed all previous affairs. People were there from all the adjacent country, and the mines all took the day off and “all roads led to Alleghany”. Profusely decorated, the new business buildings looked spic and span, the streets improved and sprinkled, with the latch strings to the booming mining town hanging on the outside of every home. The visitors not only had the time of their lives but had a place to rest their heads as well.

Main Street was gaily bedecked with streamers, flags and bunting and the celebration cost the people in the neighborhood of $800 which is “going some” for a place the size of Alleghany. The festivities commenced on Saturday evening when the Alleghany Dramatic Club set the ball to rolling by giving an entertainment. A short breezy little skit entitled: “The Little Rebel” was produced. The amateurs sustained their parts admirably. There were some clever specialties.

On Sunday afternoon a baseball game between Alleghany and Downieville was scheduled, but the team from the Sierra County Seat failed to materialize. Instead, two picked nines gave an exhibition by playing several innings of the national game.

Monday the Big Day

But Monday was the big day and the crowd that assembled reminded some of the pioneers of the early gold days in the first big camps of the State. It was a jolly, good-natured crowd, made of people who had no other purpose than to have a good time. Early in the morning the hustling committee was busy planning the day’s events, and well they did their work. From the time the parade started until Patsy Morris called the last dance in the wee small hours of yesterday morning there was not a dull moment.

The Tightner Band HL Johnson 3rd from right back row is HL Johnson

Headed by the Tightner Brass Band and Grand Marshall J. Hunt on horseback, the parade moved promptly on time. The band is under the leadership of Fred Locey, and they played like veterans, although organized less than a year. There are fourteen members and they looked find in their striking uniforms, which consist of navy-blue pants and coats, with gold braid, while on the military cap in gold letters is the word, “Tightner.” The band also gave a concert on Sunday evening and played at intervals throughout Monday. The band, which is the best in Sierra County, is composed of the following: Fred Locey, William Wright, Sr., H. Brainerd, F. Honold, Charles McCormick, John Armstrong, Hugh McCormick, Paul Rohrig, Frank Hauber, Donald McNaughton, George Strange, S. Toms, Chester Brown and William Wright, Jr.

Main Street Alleghany Sept 9 1907

One of the pretty features and next in line was eight ladies on horseback. They wore white dresses, with white bouquets in their hair and rode double file. The following were in saddle: Mrs. Joseph McCullough, Mrs. Thomas Bradbury, Miss Lizzie McCormick, Mrs. O. Schaffer, Mrs. J.H. Carroll, Mrs. John Armstrong, Mrs. W.J. Marsh, and Mrs. H. Brainerd.

The ladies on horseback lining up in Cumberland north of Alleghany before the parade.

Then came a nicely decorated carriage in which rode five of the pioneers of the mines. They were: Len Irvine, H. McCormick, B. Hackelberg, J. Ross and C. Gibbs. Peter Flynn, who is one of the old prospectors of the Alleghany district, came next, leading his burro loaded down with a prospector’s outfit. The flowing white whiskers of Mr. Flynn made him look the part of the old grizzlies of the West that are pictured in history.

On a float done in white and blue rode Miss Emma Wright, who was the queen. She looked very charming and was handsomely gowned. The float “Eureka” was in representation of California’s admission to the Union. It was drawn by black chargers and riding on it was Verna Johnson, the pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Johnson, who was “California”. She wore a stunning gown of white silk, with gold braid and cord. The float was in golden colored bunting and directly back of Miss Johnson was the realistic picture of a large bear. On a large float, arranged with pyramid seats, and decorated with red bunting, were the school children. Each child wore a golden sash on which stood out prominently the word “California”. All along the line of march the people cheered, which showed how deeply they appreciated the various features.

The Exercises

Immediately after the procession the exercises followed on the platform erected for the occasion. There was an address of welcome by Herbert Smith and Merl Bradbury, two of the school children, which proved to be a most pleasing novelty.

The school children, under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. S. Toms, favored the audience with a drill that brought out merited applause. John Armstrong sang a song that met with the favor of the hearers. He has a fine voice and sings with grace and ease.

The hoop drill by eighteen girls made such a pronounced hit that t hey had to come back. The girls were dressed in white, with a golden sash and a tissue cap and golden poppy, while each carried a white hoop, decorated with California poppies. The grace and precision in the execution of the drill showed very careful training on the part of Mrs. S.Toms, who instructed the girls. Those who participated were: Hilda and Margaret Phillips, Hazel McNaughton, Lola Binning, Ola Casserly, Estelle Brown, Christie Holmes, Fernetti Phillips, Virginia Locey, Gladys Fessler, Vivian Wimberly, Merl Bradbury, Retta Binning, Clara Coleman, Mary Kinkel, Freida Holmes, Verna Johnson and Vera Armstrong.

Twelve boys attired in khaki uniforms and equipped with rifles, gave a military drill that reflects great credit on them as well as upon their tutor, J. Hunt, who is a Yale college graduate and a well-known prospector. The boys lined up like soldiers, carried the rifles nicely and fired as one, while the various maneuvers were most creditabley executed. The following lads were the soldiers: Donald McNaughton, Walter Kinkle, Howard Wylie, Morgan Wimberly, Herbert Smith, Ed Kinkle, Fred Mack, Calvin Brown, Raymond McCormick. When the school children finished with the drill, J. Hunt, who was master of ceremonies, stepped forward, and in a pleasing speech presented to the school a handsome silver loving cup. The cup was presented to the committee by C.J. Brand, the pioneer Nevada City Jeweler, and they decided to give it to the school. The children are elated over the presentation and the beautiful cup will occupy a prominent place in the school room. Another pretty thing was the sight of each pupil being handed a silver dollar as they left the platform. The committee is so highly pleased with Mr. Brand’s gift that they are going to send him a vote of thanks.

Mrs. L.P. Woodberry, wife of the manager of the Red Star Mine, expressed the sentiment of all Alleghany towards H.L. Johnson, owner of the Tightner Mine, in an original song. She was the soloist, aided by a chorus, and the song brought forth such wild enthusiasm that it is worthy of printing in full, as follows:

There is a big mine way out in the west ---

The Tightner, the Tightner.

Funded by capital, backed by the best,

Go it, Tightner, go;

Headed by wisdom that knows no bounds,

She’s making a wonderful show.

And others are longing to share the lot

Of the Tightner, big Tightner Mine.


Johnson, Johnson, wonderful man is he;

Gives all his spare change to Alleghany;

He keeps the ball a-rolling in our community.

He pays off the miners

To dig out the shiners

To the glory of the Tightner mine.

He founded when all had abandoned the quest ---

The Tightner the Tightner.

And he worked night and day,

So the mine’s here to stay;

Go it, Tightner, go.

And of the man we all are proud,

Be it high or low,

For Goldfield now is not in the race

For it we’ve set, and we’ll keep the pace.

We advise you, kind friends, keep an eye on this place ---

The Tightner, the Tightner.

It has entered the race.

And it will set the pace.

Go it, Tightner, go.

The racecourse is long, the world it included,

And all who would start in it to go

Must train with us here for many a year

At the Tightner, the big Tightner mine.

No man living is dearer to the hearts of Alleghany residents than H. L. Johnson, and the song naturally struck a responsive chord. The genial, unassuming mining man afterwards mounted the platform and told of his surprise, but said that he appreciated the “joke” as he termed it.

HL Johnson with his twin daughters.

Afternoon Sports

There was no dearth of sports during the afternoon and the dinner hour had arrived before the entire program was concluded. The double-hand drilling contest commenced at 1 o’clock and lasted an hour. Four teams were entered and each drilled for fifteen minutes. The contest was a pretty one and all through the boosters cheered their favorites on. The rock was exceptionally hard flint granite, making arduous work for the drillers. Murdock Morrison and Otto Rohrig put down a hole of twenty-two inches. Thomas and James O’Neill, Allison Ranch born and raised young miners, who came to Alleghany from Grass Valley, were next and made twenty-three inches. Frank McLaughlin and Ike Ostrom of Alleghany drilled twenty and one quarter inches. Andy Fitzerald and Mike Coughlin were the last to drill and their hole measured eighteen inches. The O’Neill brothers were declared the winners and given the $50 purse. The judges were E.S. Brindle, L.M. Cortez and Stephen Walsh. Considerable money changed hands on the contest.

The big racing event of the day was the 100-yard dash for a purse of $50 between Charles Schaffer of Forest City and S. W. Weiland of Pennsylvania. Betting was spirited and several hundred dollars changed hands. Weiland taking all bets offered. He won the race, but Shaffer led him a merry chase. William Morrison and Lewellen Davis ran two 100-yard races, each winning one, and both being very close. Lewellen Davis beat Tommy Evans in 100-yards, Evans having fell when about halfway. In the free-for-all 100-yard sprint Tommy Evans brought home the money. The fifty-yard race for married ladies was won by Mrs. H. Brainerd. S.W. Weiland raced against a horse ridden by George Cambell, going fifty yards, turning around a stake and back to the place of starting. The horse won, but Weiland was very close up. He slipped and fell, which prevented him from winning. The fat man’s race was warmly contested, but was won by Harry McCoy of forest City. The other entries were: Andy Fitzgerald, John Armstrong, and Jo V. Snyder. Armstrong fell in a heap, but the others managed to reach the tape. It was a 100-yard dash. The fifty-yard race for boys between Miller of Forest City and Mohler of Pike City was won by the latter. Walter Rowlands and Lewellen Davis captured the three-legged race, while A. Moore and Henry Kinkle came in second.

During the afternoon there was a parade of the Horribles, which caused much merriment. Philip Buhl carried off the prize for the best sustained character.

Grand Ball at Night

The grand ball at night was the finish of the three-day celebration. It was a brilliant affair and was held in the new pavilion, which is over the Bradbury and Penberthy stable. The building was erected by H.L. Johnson and is sixty-four feet long and thirty-three feet wide. The interior of the hall was nicely decorated and suspended from the ceiling was a prominent piece reading: “California 1850-1907”. Enchanting music was furnished by the Wisconsin Orchestra of Forest City, while Patsy Morris acted as caller. At midnight a fine supper was served at Harry Benson’s Alleghany Hotel.



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